Your brachial plexus is a cluster of nerves in your neck that controls the movement of your upper limbs. As Johns Hopkins Medicine explains, damage to the brachial plexus can cause paralysis or a loss of sensation in the shoulders, hands, and arms.
Brachial plexus injuries can happen in any accident, but they are particularly common in car crashes and during birth. Although most patients recover to some degree, the paralysis can be permanent if the nerves detach from the spine.
According to Mayo Clinic , the severity and type of brachial plexus injury you have will determine your treatment. Your doctor may recommend surgery to restore sensation and function. Unfortunately, the cost of surgery, rehabilitation, and other treatments can add up quickly.
If you or your child suffered a brachial plexus injury due to a negligent doctor or driver, contact the Churdar Law Firm. Doug Churdar is an injury attorney in Greenville who will assess your case to determine if you have grounds for a claim.
You may be entitled compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and noneconomic damages. Call 864-233-0203 to schedule a consultation. You can also learn more about accident claims in South Carolina by visiting the USAttorneys website.
Here are three surgeries that are effective for treating brachial plexus injuries:
1. Nerve Transfer
If the nerve roots sever from the spine, your doctor may recommend a nerve transfer. During this procedure, a surgeon will transfer nerves from one part of your body to your brachial plexus. These nerves are connected to the severed nerves and to the spine.
Nerve transfers are ideal for patients with severe brachial plexus injuries that cause paralysis. After a nerve graft, it may take several months or even years to notice the full benefits of the surgery.
2. Muscle Transfer
Your doctor may recommend a muscle transfer if your arm muscles begin to atrophy. During a muscle transfer, the surgeon will remove tendons or muscles from your body – usually the thigh – and attach them to your arm.
The surgeon then connects the muscles to essential blood vessels and nerves. He or she may create a skin flap to monitor your muscle during recovery.
3. Nerve Graft
In this procedure, surgeons harvest clusters of nerves from other parts of the body to replace the damaged brachial plexus. They then connect the harvested nerves to the arm to restore function and sensation.
There is a high success rate for nerve graft surgeries. However, the outcome will depend on both the type and severity of your injury.
If you or your child suffered a brachial plexus injury in South Carolina, contact the Churdar Law Firm. Doug Churdar is a Greenville car accident lawyer who can protect your interests and fight for the maximum compensation on your behalf.
He has achieved successful outcomes in injury cases involving auto accidents, truck crashes, brain trauma, and other types of injury. Call 864-233-0203 to schedule a consultation.