Car accidents can have life-changing consequences for everyone involved. Victims often face expensive medical bills and time off work, which can threaten their families’ finances. Drivers who cause collisions may have to pay a veritable fortune to cover the damages.
With so much at stake, it seems ridiculous that people could be liable for damages when they aren’t even at the crash scene. However, according to the Department of Motor Vehicles , there are some scenarios in which you could be liable for the actions of another driver. These include:
1. When you give an employee your keys;
2. When you let an unlicensed driver operate your vehicle;
3. And when you let an unfit motorist drive your vehicle.
If you were injured in a crash that another driver caused, contact the Churdar Law Firm. Doug Churdar is a personal-injury lawyer in Greenville who can investigate your accident and represent your interests during settlement negotiations.
As the victim of another motorist’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, time of work, and other damages. Call 864-233-0203 to schedule a consultation.
Until then, read on to learn about three scenarios in which you may be liable for the actions of another driver:
1. When You Give an Employee Your Keys
Sometimes business owners are liable for damages in accidents their employees cause when performing work-related duties. As such, employers should require that their workers take advanced driving courses. Also, you should never let an employee drive if he or she has a history of traffic violations or DUI convictions.
2. When You Let an Unlicensed Driver Operate Your Vehicle
It is against the law to let an unlicensed person drive your vehicle. If you do this, then your insurance company will not cover the damages if the person causes an accident. You would have to pay for victims’ losses out of your own pocket.
3. When You Let an Unfit Motorist Drive Your Vehicle
If it is illegal for a person to drive but you let him or her operate your vehicle, then you may be liable for damages that he or she causes in an accident. Examples of “unfit” drivers include people with suspended licenses, children, and people who are too sick or old to drive safely.
If you were injured by a negligent driver in South Carolina, you may face an uphill battle when trying to recover compensation. For example, sometimes insurance companies do not cover damages if a person lets an unfit or unlicensed motorist operate his or her vehicle.
In these scenarios, personal-injury claimants have several options. They may be able to make claims against their own insurance companies via their uninsured motorist policies. If you do not have UIM coverage, you may be able to sue the liable parties for damages.
A South Carolina accident attorney from the Churdar Law Firm can evaluate your case and explain your legal options. Doug Churdar has achieved successful outcomes in injury cases involving car accidents, truck crashes, brain trauma and other types of injury. Call 864-233-0203 to schedule a consultation.